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Lucid Drips

  • 77%
  • (188)
  • 04:00
  • 82806
  • 2023-01-05 13:55:34
~ Upgrade Program Description ~ - Loading... - - Welcome friends this awesome subliminal file helps you to effortlessly and easily have deep and extremely happy, euphoric, realistic vivid lucid dreams about being an adult baby, bedwetting, and learning how to confidently use diapers always. This will eventually aid you in losing all control over your bladder and bowels while having awesome lucid dreams every single night you go to sleep. - Key Points - - ⭐Mastery over lucid dreaming ⭐Diaper usage, confidence, acceptance, and reliance ⭐Permanent diaper addiction ⭐Manifestation of diapered lucid dreams every time you sleep ⭐Forced diaper usage while lucid dreaming or vivid dreaming ⭐Full incontinence while wearing diapers asleep or awake ⭐Learning how to love and accept your true path as a full-time diaper user - Disclaimer: ⭐ This subliminal file could potentially cause bedwetting, incontinence, or diaper addiction with repeated use whether you are wearing diapers or not so, be safe and be sure. Further Disclaimer: ⭐ I do not take any responsibility for the intended effect of prolonged use of this file. That being said all the affirmations are written in only positive, encouraging, happy, healthy, and safe sentence structures but still listen at your discretion. - ⭐ I made this (and the other vids) because It always seems like the ABDL-Hypno community hasn't ever had a lot of quality safe, original, and positive files or hypnosis so for the sake of my own subconscious mind to stay happy and healthy while using and achieving desired results I made for this myself and shared it accordingly.? - I write my affirmations in The law of assumption, gratitude detachment, and shifting affs to help you mini shift to where you already have your desired results instantly and effortlessly at no cost to you! It is worded so as to directly target you and your subconscious mind to achieve more direct and faster results. - I will initiate the sequence to fetch a calm version formatted in an uncompressed wav. I highly suggest listening to this overnight to really ingrain the truth. Calm Audio Track Link Loaded... Audio_File_eRror... File Found... Link Listed: https://drive.google.com/file/d/11XWZrxNL3CxyP5lC5n1nxiCbWsPkBxGw/view?usp=sharing - Also here is a link to the higher Hz frequency file that is actually part of the video. Link Sourcing.........found. https://drive.google.com/file/d/11S64xzf3v3MGP_O0_56cbuqbzPnyLTR9/view?usp=sharing - Content Disclaimer: This particular subliminal sequence is just a public art project the original poster (as in I) holds no legal responsibilities or credit for the following... Thumbnail art, Fonts, Music Tracks, and Video Edit Content. Fetching List of Sources Now... - Video Source: Random edit I made from ABDL community content I cannot remember the original sources so sorry. - With much love signed, Ciri till next time ? Permanent Changes Commenced... - System On Stand By Until Further Notice...
Tags: Abdl
Categories: Movies

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