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A Force Of Habit

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A Force Of Habit
By Jessica Drew

Originally Posted On Fictionmania

Chapter 22

Daniel exhaled, as a pinkness began to return to his face and body, his skirt brightening back to a canary yellow. He felt his limbs growing lighter, enabling him to move freely again.

"What?!" Carl looked at Daniel incredulously.

Daniel took his opportunity. He hefted the statuette towards Carl with a feminine grunt. It shattered across Carl's head, sending him falling sideways to the floor, the transformation stone dropping out of his grip and skidding across the wooden floor.

Mikayla gasped as the magic holding her in place was disrupted. She pulled herself to her feet, her school skirt falling back down over her hips, protecting her modesty.

"Mikayla! The transformation stone!" Daniel pointed to the floor beside her. Mikayla quickly snatched up the dropped stone and held it out threateningly at Carl as he groaned from the floor, rubbing at his bleeding head.

"It's over Heather!" Mikayla began. "I know who you really are. You can't intimidate us anymore. Not me, not Daniel, not my mother."

"MY NAME IS CARL!!" Carl shouted, as he looked up at his daughter from the floor.

"You don't deserve that name!" Mikayla continued. "She found out what you had done, didn't she? My mother. She found the diary pages that you hid from her, that told her who she really was." Mikayla stood poised with the transformation stone shaking in her outstretched hand.

"Your mother deserved everything I gave her." Carl rose to his feet as he staggered towards the two girls. "...including her death."

"Daniel, stand back!" Mikayla warned as Carl lurched closer.

"But Mikayla..."

"Just do it!"

Mikayla closed her eyes. He mother's warm face came to her as she remembered her last words to her as she had handed her the box containing the transformation stone.

"One day, you'll know how to use it."

Mikayla quickly swept her palm across the transformation stone's surface. It began to feel warmer in her hand as it glowed a bright red.

Mikayla looked up to find Carl had stopped. He held out his muscular arms, watching as the hairs began to stand on end. Then he laughed. A deep, eerie cackle that filled the room.

"You pathetic girl!" Carl ranted. "I can choose to resist any change from the transformation stone."

Mikayla backed up further, checking that Daniel was safely behind her, the transformation stone still glowing brightly in her hand.

"I'm not using it on you! Right now I'm altering the electrostatic potential of millions of air molecules above your head. I'm altering the electric field around your body."

Carl looked up, sweeping his hands through his greying hair as it too began to stand up on end.

"What have you done?" Carl spun round as he looked up, fear in his eyes.

"My homework! This is a little something called science!"

Suddenly a thunderous crack ripped through the room, accompanied by a blinding white light. A fork of lightning lept from the charged air molecules above Carl, heading straight through his body to the ground. Mikayla and Daniel shielded their eyes from the blinding flash.

Carl Simmon's body slumped to the ground, his skin burnt and smoking.

* * * * * * * * *

The transformation stone clattered to the floor as Mikayla fell to her knees crying. Daniel rushed to her, wrapping his feminine arms around her.

"It's okay, it's okay. It's over," Daniel soothed, stroking Mikayla's long brunette hair as she sobbed into his chest. "Mikayla look."

Mikayla looked over to where Carl's body lay. Something was happening. Cautiously the two girls stood up, making their way over, Mikayla still holding onto Daniel for support.

Mikayla watched as her father's black smoking skin began to smooth back to a soft pink, but at the same time his muscle mass seemed to eb away. His frazzled burnt hair became silky smooth brunette as it flowed from his scalp. His body became slender, breasts swelling from his chest as feminine curves filled the tatters of his pants. His face became soft and feminine, his unblinking eyes changing from a dull grey to a shimmering green.

"Oh my God," Daniel remarked. They stared down at the female body laying lifeless at their feet.

Mikayla leaned down. It was the face of her mother. She sniffed, bending down to draw her hand across her face, closing her green eyes.

* * * * * * * * * *

Daniel swept the table cloth up from the dining room. Returning to the living room he gently lay it over the body of Mikayla's mother. Or was it her father? He still wasn't too sure. He sighed, his large breasts rising with his breath.

He walked back over to where Mikayla sat on the sofa. He sat down next to her, putting a comforting arm around her.

"Mikayla? I'm sorry for everything..." Daniel felt ashamed and embarrassed of what he had done. Mikayla took his feminine hand in hers and looked up into his eyes.

"You don't have to be sorry. It wasn't your fault. I'm sorry I dragged you into all this in the first place."

The two girls shared a friendly hug, their breasts pressing against each other.

"Listen, you should stay at mine, till we figure out what we're going to do." It was the least Daniel could do for her.

* * * * * * * * * *

Mikayla quickly packed a bag of things and came back downstairs where Daniel was already waiting by the door.

"Have you got everything you need?" Daniel asked in his high-pitched voice.

Mikayla stared long into Daniel's beautiful blue eyes. "Yeah, I have."

Before they left, Mikayla took the transformation stone from her bag. Closing her eyes she swept her hand across it. She felt it glow warm in her hands.

A wet splash could be heard from the living room, the table cloth soaking into a large pool of water on the floor. Heather. Carl. Both of them were now gone.

* * * * * * * * * *

Daniel looked around the pink feminized walls of his bedroom helplessly as he set Mikayla's bag down onto his bed. Mikayla followed in behind, closing the door behind them.

Daniel pulled open a drawer, finding it spilling over with a rainbow of different coloured bras and panties.

"Oh, I expect you'd kinda like to be a guy again," Mikayla smiled.

"Well with everything, you know, I didn't want to say..." Daniel sheepishly toyed with his long blonde hair.

"It's okay."

Daniel watched as Mikayla zipped open her bag and produced the transformation stone.

"Are you ready?"

Daniel's heart beat hammered in his ears as he watched Mikayla use the stone, it began to shine brightly in her hands. Daniel gasped, looking down as his chest, he watched as it began to deflate. He felt his hair starting to snake its way back up into his scalp. He held his hands out watching as his fingernails gradually shortened...

...and then lengthened, growing back out to their full length. He felt his hair tickling back down over his shoulders and back, as his chest swelled back up to a full DD.

Daniel gasped in his feminine voice.

"What happened?"

"I don't know." Mikayla looked down at the stone confused. "Something's resisting the change." Mikala turned the stone over in her hands. "Remember when my father tried to turn you into a statue? It happened then too."

"But what is it, what's resisting the change?"

Daniel watched as Mikayla suddenly gasped. She closed her eyes and gently brought her hand to Daniel's flat tummy.

"What is it?"

Mikayla's green eyes flashed open again.

"You're pregnant!"

"Oh my god!" Daniel fell back onto the bed, shocked. "Pregnant?" He could scarcely believe it.

"That's why you aren't changing. It's protecting the baby."

Mikayla sat down beside Daniel, holding his small hand as he struggled to digest the news.

"I'm having a baby?"

"Uh huh," Mikayla smiled warmly at him.

"I can't have a baby! I'm a guy! I'm on the football team! I've...I've got a... girlfriend..."

"And you've still got a girlfriend. And in case you forgot, I'm kinda batting for the other team right now." Mikayla blushed, "I can put up with that for another nine months if you can."

Daniel turned to look at Mikayla. Her beautiful green eyes felt like they were drawing him in. He felt an urge to kiss her. But this time he knew it wasn't magic.

"I love you," he whispered at last.

Mikayla's face shone, the happiest he'd ever seen her. Their lips met, and the two girls softly kissed each other.

"I love you too Daniel, so much." Mikayla ran her hands through Daniel's soft blonde hair as Daniel stroked his hand across Mikayla's soft face. Daniel glanced down at his feminine body.

"Nine months, right?"

* * * * * * * * * *

Nine months later...


Daniel tensed, crying out with pain as he pushed. Mikayla tightly held his soft feminine hand as she gently stroked his matted blonde hair. Daniel had his legs on stirrups, the midwife ready and giving words encouragement from between his spread legs.

"It's almost there!"

"ARRRRRHHHHHH!!" Daniel cried out again.

"You're doing really well Danielle, but I need you to give one last big push!"


Daniel's head fell back as he gasped for air.

"Dani, Dani look!" Mikayla lifted his tired body upright again. He heard a gurgling noise.

"Congratulations Miss Jennings, it's a boy!"

Daniel gasped as the small baby was handed to him gently in a blanket.

"Ohhhh, oh my god. He's so beautiful," Daniel smiled with joy.

"You did it Dani! I'm so proud of you!" Mikayla kissed Daniel's cheek as she peered in at the small bundle.

Daniel looked down again at the baby, as it flexed its tiny hand. He held his little finger out, watching as the baby grasped it. Daniel stared into his baby's green eyes, a feeling of pure love welling up inside of him.

"He's got your eyes!" Daniel looked up at Mikayla. He loved them both so much.

* * * * * * * * * *

Daniel and Mikayla stood, a hand round each other's waists, as they stared lovingly down into the crib at the sleeping baby. Now that they were alone in the hospital room, Mikayla was able to speak freely.

"So how does it feel being a Mom?"

Daniel smiled, unable to take his eyes from the baby.

"How does it feel to have a brother?" he replied.

"Does that mean I'm dating my own step-mom?" Mikayla giggled.

"I find it's best not too think about it too much."

"Agreed." Mikayla gazed thoughtfully into the distance. "Daniel. I know you don't really want to be thinking about this right now. It's just... It's time. You need to decide what you're going to do. If you want to be a boy again you need to do it soon before the baby starts to bond with you."

"I know," Daniel replied. She was right. It was time to decide.

* * * * * * * * * *

4 years later...

Mikayla carefully collected the used plates and set them back into the picnic hamper. She glanced up to check on Heath. She could see him toddling along nearby, gazing into the fountain which gently trickled with the sound of running water. She saw that he was watching a small bird bathing itself in the fountain.

"Heath, don't get too close to the edge," Mikayla warned.

"I won't."

Mikayla smiled as she lay back, flicking her sunglasses down to shield her eyes from the gorgeous summer sun.

"Mommy!" Mikayla looked up as Heath came running back over, an infectious grin spread across his face. She smiled as he ran into the arms of his mother.

Danielle scooped Heath into her arms, holding him tight to her breast. Mikayla watched as she kissed Heath's soft cheek, causing him to giggle. Danielle made such a loving mother. Mikayla was glad she had decided to remain a girl.

"You know, this is the park where we first kissed," Mikayla said.

"Hey, you're right. I think it was under that tree over there." Danielle pointed, as Heath pulled at her long blonde hair, trying to get his mother's attention.

"No, no it was that one," Mikayla smiled at her.

"Are you sure?"


"Oww, what is it honey?" Danielle pulled her hair from Heath's curious fingers.

"Mommy, come and see!"

Danielle turned to Mikayla, "I'll be right back."

"Sure." Mikayla folded the picnic blanket up as Heath led Danielle back over to the fountain.

* * * * * * * * * *

"What is it?" Danielle giggled, as Heath pulled her along by her hand.

"Look!" Heath clasped his small hands to his mouth as he looked into the fountain.

Danielle smiled as she saw what he had been so excited about.

"Awww, look at it, isn't it cute!" Danielle lifted Heath up so that he could see better, as a small red squirrel bathed itself in the running water. Heath giggled, his green eyes flashing as he watched.


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