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A Force Of Habit

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A Force Of Habit
By Jessica Drew

Originally Posted On Fictionmania

Chapter 21

"Your father will be here shortly Mikayla."

Principal Johnson hung up the phone, looking gravely at Mikayla as he sat back down behind his desk. Mikayla held her head in her hands, her long brunette hair curtaining around her.

"Principal Johnson!"

Mikayla gasped, looking up as the school secretary burst into the office.

"Principal Johnson! Come quick!"

The principal rose from his chair,

"Helen? What's wrong?"

"It's the nurse. She's been found unconscious!"

Principal Johnson buttoned his blazer as he strode into action.

"You! Stay here until I get back!" He pointed a finger at Mikayla, who watched as he made his way off down the corridor with his secretary.

The nurse? Mikayla thought to herself. She'd last seen the nurse taking Samantha to her office. What was going on here?

If only Daniel were here...

Mikayla gasped, clapping her hand to her mouth. Oh my god! Daniel! She could remember! She could remember!! That was the nagging feeling that she had had all day. Danielle wasn't supposed to be a girl at all, she was supposed to be a boy!

Mikayla stood up and began to pace the small office as she struggled with her re-emerging memories. How she had first shown Daniel the transformation stone. How she had convinced him to let her turn him into a girl so that he could sneak past her father. Then they had spent an intimate night together after Mikayla had found herself more interested in girls due to Carl's spell. Finally, the other day, she thought she had caught a glimpse of a female Daniel at school.

Then something had changed. Daniel had become Danielle. Except that now Mikayla could see it. It was as if the veil on reality had suddenly been lifted and she could see it all clearly.

Mikayla then thought about the story of her mother and father that she had read in the diary. How Carl had spent so long as a woman, that he eventually believed he was one. If Daniel's transformation had reached the same stage, he surely must have spent a great deal more time as a girl than she knew about. That could mean only one thing...

Mikayla raced out of the principal's office, her shoes squealing on the polished floor of the corridor outside. She had to get home. Daniel was in great danger.

* * * * * * * * * *

Danielle walked across the floor of Carl Simmon's bedroom, putting an extra sway into her hips. Her short cheerleader skirt swung side to side, giving partial glimpses of her yellow panties beneath.

Carl closed the door behind them. Danielle looked back, smiling at Carl as she stepped up onto the bed, crawling forwards on all fours. Hoisting her skirt up over her hips she leaned over, her exposed ass high in the air. She knew that Carl would have a clear view of her pussy and would be unable to resist her.

Sure enough, Carl quickly clambered out of his clothes and took up position on the bed behind her. After the amazing sex they had had at the hotel yesterday, Danielle couldn't wait. Her pussy was already wet even before Carl began to press the head of his hard cock into her.

"Uhhhhh," Danielle moaned as Carl's cock sunk right into her pussy from behind. She loved the feeling as Carl slowly slid in and out of her. Her pussy felt stuffed and full. Carl gripped her hips as he groaned, slapping harder into her. Danielle closed her eyes.

"Ohhhhh yeaaaahhh, fuck me."

"Mmmmmm, you slut, you're nothing but a pussy now, you know that?"

Danielle loved Carl's uncouth words to her. It made her even wetter. She began rocking back against Carl in time with his thrusts, moaning loudly as his cock rubbed against her G-spot.

* * * * * * * * * *

Mikayla burst through the front door of her house.

"Daniel? Daniel?! Are you here?"

She jogged into the living room, skidding to a quick halt. Oh my god, what was that? Mikayla looked down at the floor. A five-pointed star had been drawn in chalk on the floor, with candles placed at each of its points, and what's more it was beginning to softly glow with an incandescent blue light. Mikayla gasped as she stepped carefully around it. Then she began to hear it. From the room directly above she could hear the squeeking of a bed, along with the sound of loud moaning. The strange pentangle glowed even brighter.


Mikayla ran upstairs as fast as she could, barging into Carl's bedroom. She gasped. Carl lay naked on his back, his spent penis soft on his lap, breathing heavily. Daniel was wrapped around him, his breasts pressed up to his chest. They both looked up as Mikayla entered.

Mikayla screamed. No! It was too late! Tears streaming from her face Mikayla fled the room. Racing downstairs she made for the door, but it wouldn't budge.

Carl Simmons strode calmly down the stairs, his hand outstretched as he held the door with magic. He now wore his pants, but his bare chest glistened with perspiration. He walked straight up to Mikayla and gripped her slender wrist.

"Noooo!" Mikayla's shoes squeeked against the wooden floor as he dragged her kicking and screaming into the living room.

"I was just on my way to collect you. Looks like you saved me a trip."

"Let me go!" Mikayla screamed.

"Certainly." Carl flicked his wrist and Mikayla hurtled painfully to the floor. She looked up, finding her father grinning madly down at her. Mikayla looked down and found that she was lying directly on the strange pentangle, except that now it no longer seemed to be glowing. She tried to stand but Carl outstretched his hand, using force of magic to pin her back against the floor. Mikayla gasped, breathing heavily as she stared helplessly up at the ceiling.

"What are you doing?!"

Carl didn't reply. All Mikayla could hear were his ominous footsteps as he circled the pentangle. Mikayla sniffed the air. She could smell candles burning. Fearful of what was happening, Mikayla tried again to talk to her father.

"What did you do to Daniel?"

"What are you talking about? It was your idea to turn him into a girl. I must admit you picked a fine body for him. I've certainly enjoyed fucking your boyfriend these last few days."

"No..." Mikayla sobbed.

"Carl? Mikayla? What's going on?" Mikayla could hear Daniel's feminine voice coming from the doorway of the living room.

* * * * * * * * * *

"Daniel! Help me! Help me, please!" Mikayla pleaded.

Danielle looked down at the sight of Mikayla lying back on the floor, clearly struggling, but seemingly unable to move. She was lying on her back in the exact centre of a pentangle that had been drawn on the floor in white chalk. At each point of the pentangle a white candle flickered. She watched as Carl stood back up holding his hands up in a calming gesture.

"Danielle, go back up to the bedroom, this doesn't concern you."

"Don't listen to him Daniel!" Mikayla shouted from the floor.

"Why is she calling me Daniel?" Danielle's pretty face frowned, trying to comprehend what was going on.

"Don't listen to her Danielle, listen to me." Danielle stared into Carl's blue-grey eyes, feeling herself getting drawn in. For a second she thought she saw them flash a green colour. Carl continued as he lay his hand on Danielle's small shoulders, "Listen to your man. Remember what I taught you. You must always do as I say."

Danielle bit her lower lip. Carl was right. She was his man. He was always right. She should do as she was told.

"Now sit down on the sofa," Carl instructed.

Danielle meekly lowered her head and made her way to one of the sofas that had been moved alongside one of the walls of the living room. Smoothing her cheerleader skirt she sat obediently down.

"Daniel, no! Don't listen to him! Try and remember! Try and remember who you are! Your name's Daniel! You're my boyfriend, remember?"

Danielle frowned as she stared down at Mikayla. Why was she saying these strange things?

* * * * * * * * * *

Tears rolled freely down Mikayla's cheeks as she breathed heavily, afraid and still unable to move. She'd been unable to get through to Daniel. She watched as Carl crouched beside her. He ran his finger across her wet quivering cheek.

"Imagine my disappointment when Heather gave birth to a girl. You do know you will never possess true mastery of magic, don't you? As a female you'll be forced to use.... spell books and... artifacts. You'll never be good enough, just as I wasn't." Carl spat the words with disgust.

"You haven't even given me a chance. There's more to life than spells and magic. What about love?" Mikayla sniffed.

"Love? Understand Mikayla, I'm doing all of this for you. For us!"

"For me?" Mikayla gave a helpless laugh. She couldn't believe it. She struggled again to sit up but couldn't.

"Why do you think I turned your idiotic boyfriend into a cock-loving slut? Why do you think I dampened your interest in other boys? I had to keep them away from you. I couldn't run the risk."

"What risk?"

"That they would spoil you... That they would spoil the one useful part of you."

Mikayla flinched as she felt Carl's hand pull her jersey up, rubbing against the lower part of her bare tummy.

"It's time. Time to give my father the son he always wanted. I wasn't good enough. You're not good enough. But together... Imagine it Mikayla, a consumation of both of our magical abilites. Imagine the power that boy would have! He wouldn't have to rely on spell books and transformation stones, he would be able to do it all!"

Mikayla screamed.

* * * * * * * * * *

Danielle watched from the sofa, keeping quiet as she had been instructed. She still couldn't understand everything that had been said. What was all that talk of her name being Daniel, and having been turned into a girl? That seemed ridiculous. She could clearly remember growing up as a little girl when her parents still lived out in the countryside. It had been so peaceful there. She wished she were there now.

Danielle gasped as she watched Carl Simmons tugging on his belt, loosening his pants. Slowly he drew the zipper down, as he stared down at Mikayla. Danielle could see that he already had an bulging erection beneath his shorts. Finally she found the courage to speak out, "What are you doing?"

Carl turned to her, surprised that she had interrupted.

"Remember in the dining room? Remember what I did to you?"

Danielle nodded as Carl continued, "Remember how you had deserved it?"

Again Danielle nodded.

"Well, Mikayla has deserved this!"

Carl's cruel logic sat easily in Danielle's mind and she sat, momentarily satisified. That was until Carl reached out towards Mikayla with outstretched hands.

Danielle gasped as she saw Mikayla's legs and arms forced apart by unseen forces, so that they each touched a corner of the chalk pentangle. Mikayla yelped, breathing heavily. Carl then gave a flick of his fingers. Danielle watched as Mikayla's skirt magically lifted up over her hips, exposing her white panties.

She heard Mikayla whisper one final time, "Daniel, pleeeaase..."

Danielle shook her head as she began to feel a little dizzy. Thoughts, emotions and memories began to flood her mind. She looked up again and watched as Carl drew an odd looking stone from his pocket. A stone?

Carl closed his eyes, holding the stone in the flat of his palm, as he slowly drew his other hand across its surface. Danielle thought to herself. It's going to glow red, isn't it? Sure enough the stone began to glow with a soft red light. How did she know that?

She watched Carl looking down between Mikayla's spread legs. Danielle gasped again as the fabric of Mikayla's panties began to tremble, turning transparent, until with a wet splash they turned to water, dripping down her body onto the wooden floor. Her lower body was now naked and spread for Carl.

A transformation stone, Danielle thought. That was what it was. She stood up, her blue eyes wide open as the veil of reality lifted, her mind finally unclouding.

* * * * * * * * * *

"Get away from her!"

Daniel quickly grasped a heavy statuette that sat next to the sofa he had been sitting on, hefting it as best he could above his blonde head. He stepped forward threateningly towards Carl, his breasts bobbing beneath his cheerleader jersey.

"Danielle! Put that down and sit back down immediately!"

"My name's not Danielle, asshole!"

Carl glanced down at Mikayla, and then back to Daniel.

"So, Mikayla's managed to uncloud your mind."

"I'm warning you! Get away from her!" Daniel shouted in his high-pitched voice, brandishing the statuette.

"You know, I'm really rather fond of that statuette. If you break it I'll have to replace it with another one. Perhaps I'll replace it with you!"

Daniel watched as Carl closed his eyes, quickly drawing his hand across the transformation stone. It began to glow brighter in his hand.

Daniel gasped, glancing down at his body. His skin and clothing were beginning to take on a greyish tone, taking on a hard, almost dusty appearance. He tried to move, his movements slow, his limbs feeling heavy.

Daniel drew a final breath...

...continued in Chapter 22