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User Information

  • Username: Reslynn
  • Joined: December 16th 2023
  • Last Login: 2024-03-30 at 16:40:08
  • Gender: Sissy
  • Age: 34
  • Sexual Orientation: Bi-Sexual
  • State: Texas
  • A little about me... Okay here goes. So first of all my name is Reslynn. I'm 34 years old and live in a little town that's about the mid point between Dallas and Houston. I'm still very new to this. I've only been with one guy. When I was a teenager me and my best friend had sex one night and then again a week later. We both had gfs so we didn't know how we felt about it. As time passed by I stopped caring about my gf and started wanting more gay sex. We maybe did it a few more times after that in several months time due to inconveniences/time/and him having a baby. It's been 9 years since my last experience and from then to now my fantasies have evolved into me not just wanting to have sex with a man again but while im dressed up like a girl. Just the thought of me being hairless with makeup wearing a short skirt with heels and stockings I swear words cant even begin to scratch the surface of how much it turns me on lol so yeah my imagination isnt good enough anymore and I've found myself with each month that goes by developing extreme cravings and desires for the real thing. So here I am. I don't really know what I want in terms of relationship qualities. Tbh I really just want a best friend to hang and chill with and then go from there. Okay I'm not gonna lie someone that could take care of me would be nice too. I'm only into white guys and they must be a top and only a top. Not versatile. Okay well that's pretty much it thank you for reading :)

    By the way! If you like my pics please donate and then message me and I might have a surprise for you ;)

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