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A Force of Habit

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A Force Of Habit
By Jessica Drew

Originally Posted On Fictionmania

Chapter 4

As the train carriage gently rocked from side to side, Daniel could feel his heavy breasts freely shifting under his baggy top. He bit his lip as the soft fabric rubbed across his bare nipples. Even the seemingly simple act of sitting on a train was proving difficult!

"Uh," Daniel quietly gasped as his hoody lanced across his hardening nipples once more. Looking down he could see his stiff nipples poking through the fabric of his top. Daniel blushed, quickly glancing around the carriage, checking to see if anyone had heard him.

The train rocked again, his breasts bobbing side to side, his sensitive erect nipples sliding against the soft inside of his top.

"Uhhh," Daniel gasped again. This time a couple of people in the carriage turned their heads to look at him. Daniel ducked his head down quick, his blonde hair curtaining around his feminine face. This was proving unbearable!

Leaning to the side Daniel looked down the aisle. He could see that there was a small toilet at the end of the carriage. He figured if he could just make it there he'd be able to get a little more privacy.

Daniel drew a breath, summoning his courage. Standing up he shimmied out of his seat. Grasping the train seats for support Daniel staggered in his heels down the aisle, his long pants catching every now and then underneath his tall heels. Daniel stopped, pulling his jogging pants up higher round his waist.

Daniel passed a four seater where a man was sat facing him as he approached, his face hidden behind a newspaper. Daniel carefully clipped in his heels, trying to sneak past unnoticed, when suddenly the train rocked to one side. Daniel stumbled to the side, crumpling the man's newspaper, his breasts pushing into the man's face.

"Oh! I'm so sorry!" Daniel's face blushed bright red as he struggled to stand upright again, brushing his long hair out of his face.

"That's quite alright." The wirey middle-aged man looked up at him. He wore a pinstripe suit, his hair black and slick. A smile formed at his thin lips as he looked Daniel over, his eyes lingering on his ample chest.

Daniel's cheeks burned and he hurried as quickly as he could to the toilet cubicle, shutting the door behind him. How embarrassing! He'd practically fallen into the man's lap!

Daniel sighed as he pulled the toilet lid down and sat down, his wide hips stretching his jogging pants. He had tried his best not to be noticed by anyone the whole journey, only for him to end up with a stranger's face pressed into his breasts! Daniel tried to console himself. At least he'd hopefully be a boy again soon. The man wouldn't even recognise him if they happened to run into each other again.

Daniel crossed his arms, pulling his hoody from the bottom, up over his head, being careful to pull his long blonde hair free. He tossed it to the floor beside him. Daniel stared down as his large breasts rose and fell on his chest with his breathing. It still seemed very strange to see a pair of girl's tits from this angle. He could see how pink and swollen his jersey had made his nipples. Daniel's head fell back as he closed his eyes. That was much better. Although the motion of the train still rocked his heavy breasts side to side, he at least didn't have to contend with the increasingly distracting sensation of the soft fabric of his top rubbing against his nipples.

Daniel gasped in his feminine register as the door to the toilet cubicle pushed inwards. The thin besuited man from earlier feined surprise as he looked at Daniel sitting there topless.

"I'm terribly sorry, the door wasn't locked..."

The man lingered, his gaze drifting to Daniel's bare breasts as they rose and fell on his chest. Daniel, his mouth still hung open with surprise, glanced down at his chest, then quickly tried to cover his modesty with his small feminine hands.

"We really should stop meeting like this." The man gave Daniel a sleezy smile and withdrew from the cubicle.

Daniel snapped the door shut, pulling the bolt quickly across the door. Daniel blushed with embarrassment. Surely the man had known he was still in there, even if he had forgotten to lock the door? What was he, some sort of pervert?

Daniel looked up as he heard the automated voice announcing the next station over the tanoy. That was his stop! Daniel quickly reached down for his top, his hands sliding over the soft satin-like fabric. What the hell? Daniel held the garment out, turning it around in his hands. It was a blouse! A white satin blouse! Daniel thought back to earlier when he had used the toilet at the station. First his socks had crept up his legs, until he had found himself wearing a pair of black silk stockings on each of his long smooth legs. Then his father's shoes had somehow been replaced with a pair of three-inch black high-heels. And now this!

Daniel had no choice. Hurriedly he threaded his slender arms through and began fastening the small white buttons along the front of the blouse. He noticed it hugged his small wasp-like waist, flaring out a little at the top to fit his large breasts. Fastening the buttons all the way up to his neck Daniel stood up, tugging on the perfectly fitted blouse. To his dismay he saw that it was partially see-through and that he could see two dark patches where his nipples were. At least his pants showed no signs of changing, even if he could feel a constriction around each of his thighs, caused by the elasticated lacy tops of his stockings.

Daniel could feel the train beginning to slow and unbolted the cubicle door. Drawing a deep breath he marched back out along the carriage, not daring to look back, knowing that that sleezy man was probably still sat there waiting to catch a glimpse of him. He was now beginning to realize what girls meant when they felt like a piece of meat.

* * * * * * * * * *

Daniel stepped down from the train, his ankle buckling beneath him as he struggled to balance on his high heeled shoes. He ran his small feminine hands along the side of the stationary train as he made his way slowly down the platform towards the exit, his heels still catching in his long baggy pants. Although his new blouse fit his upper body perfectly, he could feel an odd tingling sensation around his breasts and upper back.

"Tickets please, young lady."

Daniel looked up at the tall station guard standing before him. Did he just call him lady? Daniel blushed with embarrasment. After his runs ins with the creepy man on the train, the last thing Daniel wanted to do was have to interact with anyone else whilst he was still a girl. He fumbled in the baggy pockets of his joggers, but remembered that in his haste to catch the train, he hadn't bought a ticket.

"Uh," Daniel sighed. He looked up at the man, trying to think of some lousy explanation. Daniel could see that the guard's eyes seemed to be focused on his chest. They widened, a broad smile forming at his mouth. Daniel looked down at his chest and gasped. His white blouse was gradually parting from the top down, the buttons popping open one by one. He could also feel a constricting sensation around his chest, which gradually became more intense. As the neckline of his satin blouse plunged, Daniel felt his heavy breasts forced upwards, a tight line of cleavage forming between them.

"Ah!" Daniel's mouth hung open in amazement. He ran his hands over the shiny fabric of his white blouse, sliding his hands over his large breasts.

Daniel looked up helplessly at the station guard, watching as he opened the ticket barrier for him. Giving Daniel a quick wink he ushered him through. Daniel hurriedly tripped along past the guard on his high heels, his breasts bobbing gently under his blouse. Out of the corner of his eye he could see the man's gaze following him, lowering to his backside as he passed. How embarrssing! At least he had got away with not having to buy a ticket.

Daniel hurried as best he could in three inch heels through the station concourse towards the toilets. He felt even more self conscious than before, especially since this station was a little busier than the one back home. He could feel eyes on him constantly and he inwardly cringed imagining all the things they might be thinking. They must certainly think it strange seeing a girl in a feminine blouse, high-heels and jogging pants hurriedly making her way through the station.

Daniel stopped looking up at the sign for the male and female toilets. Remembering how frightened he had been when a man had come in the toilets at the station back home, not to mention having a someone literally walk in on him on the train, Daniel opted this time for the ladies.

* * * * * * * * * *

Daniel stared at his feminine reflection in the mirror that hung along the wall above the sinks. His bright blue eyes blinked innocently back at him. He still couldn't get used to seeing a hot blonde girl every time he looked in the mirror. Daniel stared at his blouse, at the generous line of cleavage that gently swelled with each of his short breaths. No wonder the station guard had let him through without paying. He had certainly got his money's worth just from looking down Daniel's blouse.

Curious as to the tight constriction around his breasts, Daniel carefully unbuttoned the white buttons down the front of his blouse, hampered a little by his long pink fingernails. Daniel looked in the mirror, gasping. He pulled the blouse open more, off of his shoulders slightly, as he stared at himself in the mirror.

His breasts rose and fell, swelling beneath the white satin and lace cups of his bra. How had this happened? He had deliberately avoided wearing a bra this morning, but here he was, his large tits supported by a pretty lace bra!

Out of curiousity Daniel ran his hands over the satin cups, when suddenly one of the cubicle doors behind him opened and a young brunette woman stepped out.

"Oh!" She looked at Daniel, a little shocked. Daniel's face flushed red as the woman's gaze drifted to the reflection of his satin and lace covered breasts.

"I....uh, I was just....." Daniel blustered in his high pitched voice.

"Don't worry about it." The woman came up beside Daniel, checking her makeup in the mirror. "If I had breasts like that, I'd want to stare at them all day too."

Daniel blushed, quickly doing up the buttons of his tight fitting blouse. The brunette woman lifted her handbag up onto the side and began to rumage through it.

"Have you got any lip gloss?" the woman asked him.

"I, uh....no, sorry." Daniel felt so embarrassed. He just wanted the conversation to end. He watched as the woman pulled out a small bottle of perfume and began lightly spraying her neck. The sweet fragrance caught Daniel a little off guard and he caughed effeminately.

"Oh, sorry honey." The woman touched his arm affectionately.

"No, no it's fine," Daniel began, "it smells really nice."

"You like it? I picked it up at that new boutique in town. Here why don't you try some?"

"No, really, I'm fine."

"Come on! It won't hurt you."

Daniel took the bottle in his small hands. It was filled with a yellowy coloured liquid. He was willing to do anything just to get this woman to go away. Angling his head up, Daniel gave his neck a couple of short sprays. The sweet perfume filled his nostrils.

"Thanks." Daniel handed the bottle back sheepishly.

"Any time. Oh, here, don't forget those!" Daniel watched helplessly as the woman gave a couple of sprays to his exposed cleavage. "What's your name?"

Daniel couldn't believe it, his mind raced quickly. "Uh, Dani." It was the name he'd used when he had first turned up at Mikayla's house yesterday as a girl.

"I'm Helen. Listen it was a pleasure to meet you Dani. I need to catch my train, but maybe I'll see you around."

"Okay..." Daniel nervously answered, watching as the woman made her way back outside.

Daniel breathed a sigh of relief. Do women really talk that much to each other? They had been total strangers and yet she'd immediately struck up a friendly conversation with him. That would never of happened in the gents toilets. No way!

Daniel checked his appearance one last time in the mirror. He could still smell the flowery fragrance of the perfume on his neck and chest.

* * * * * * * * * *

Daniel stepped out of the toilets back onto the station concourse, holding his pant legs up slightly so that his tall heels could clear them. As Daniel surveyed the busy station concourse he caught sight of someone he recognised. His pinstripe suit and slicked black hair were unmistakable. It was the man from the train.

Daniel blushed as the man leered across at him. Daniel looked away quickly to the floor, hurriedly clipping along in his heels. Out of the corner of his eye he could see that the man was starting to stride towards him. Daniel began to panic. If he had still been a boy, he would have marched straight up to the guy and told him where to get off. But now? Now he was a girl. For the first time in his life Daniel felt vulnerable. He began to run faster.

...continued in Chapter 5